Blackout in Vermont on a Monday!
…Get it?
When: Monday, April 8, 2024, 1:00 PM HST
Where: Indian Brook Reservoir, 150 Indian Brook Rd, Essex Junction, VT 05452
Hare: Flexible Lunar Telescope
What to bring: $6.9 hash cash, a sense of child-like wonder, moon jokes, an understanding that the weather is hit-or-miss, red or green clothing because SCIENCE
On Monday, April 8th at around 3:27pm, Northern Vermont is in the path of totality for the big solar eclipse of 2024, so let’s do a once in a lifetime trail.
Escape the clutches of the big city, avoid roadblocks, closed roads, and random people pulled over in your front lawn. Instead, hang out with us in Essex as we head back to the Indian Brook Reservoir. Unmapped trails, unpredictable weather, unknown amounts of muggles, and, if it’s like every other time we’ve been there, plenty of friendly doggos!
Trail is somewhere between 2.69 & 3.69 with some epic views and an option to just chill if anyone doesn’t want to jog around. We have some extra glasses for anyone who doesn’t already have a pair! The on-after is nearby in Essex Junction so we won’t have to sit in traffic too long.