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VTH3 Trail #056: Von Tramp and the Holy Trail

When: Saturday, November 2, 2024, 1:00 PM HST
Where: Camelot
Hares: King Flexible Video Endoscope and Squire Borscht Canal

Lo there, peasants and countrymen of the land of Verd Mont!

Your King, Flexible Video Endoscope the First, has announced by royal decree that November 2nd in the 2,024th year of our Lord shall be a day set aside for celebrating the Fifth Anniversary—sorry—Third Anniversary of the Von Tramp Hash House Harriers. Join the King himself, his ever faithful squire Borscht Canal, the knights of an unspecified table shape, and any additional royal subjects as they embark on a holy quest in search of a vessel filled with delicious ales as well as various foods bathed in orange dust. 

Wear your finest peasant garb emblazoned with the bright orange of our organization, so we may impress the locals with our visage and as to not get taunted by those damn French Canadians and their silly accents. Ah, yes, and so that we may not be hit by wary arrows from half-blind hunters. ’Tis a simple thing to do to avoid fatal scratches. 

Additional information regarding the true location of Camelot will be revealed in due time. Hold your damn horses for now. 

October 12

VTH3 Trail #055: Journey to Isla Nublar

November 16

VTH3 Trail #057: Getting A-Salt-ed