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VTH3 Trail #028: Escape from Eagle Mountain

  • Eagle Mountain Natural Area 32 Henry Road VT, 05468 United States (map)
Power Glove
Power Core
0:00 / 0:00

When: Saturday, March 11, 2023, 1:00 PM HST
Where: Eagle Mountain Natural Area, Milton, VT
Hares: Salty Cumpiss and How I Met Your Mother
What to bring: Sleds, eyes patches, escape rope, quippy comebacks, a basic understanding of sarcasm.

In 1997, at the end of a minor war between the United States and Canada, the area known as Eagle Mountain was converted into a maximum security prison. An airplane filled with beer was recently hijacked and crashed into the mountain; the booze was taken hostage by a group of inmates. Salty Pissken and Mother, both former Special Forces assoldiers turned hashers, have been recruited to retrieve the beer in exchange for their own sobriety. And they want all of us to tag along…

It’s finally here! It’s the S&M trail we’ve been promised all season so you know it’s going to be extreme!…ly disappointing especially at a place called Eagle Mountain. Word on the ground says our best plan to escape from the mountainous, boozy, prison-of-a-trail will be in sleds, so bring one of those. But with the way this winter has been, it’ll probably just be us on our asses sliding down the mountain on mud. So hopefully you wear dark colored pants. Hmm, maybe I should have called this trail the Slides of March.

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