When: Saturday, December 3, 2022, 1:00 PM HST
Where: 4281 Snake Mountain Road, Weybridge VT (This is not the regular parking lot.)
Hares: 2 Guys 1 Hole & Flexible Video Endoscope
What to bring: $6.9 hash cash, trail shoos and/or hiking booties, fear of wiggly fleshy things, movie quotes about snakes.
Do snakes really live on mountains? Does Eager Beaver speak parseltongue? Will someone make a “Snakes on a Plane” reference?! Find all this and less at our next trail this Saturday!
And make sure to warm up that car because Von Tramp is hitting the frosty roads and heading down to Snake Mountain in Addison County. You read that right: not the one where Skeletor lives on the planet of Eternia. I, too, am immeasurable disappointed.
Lies and promise from the hares: A mixture of on-and-off trails, ice-cold beverages at scenic beer stops, 1000ft of elevation gain, many confused muggles, not-Flexi as the RA, and “probably, maybe around 5 miles”.
At least there’s a sweet brewery in Vergennes if you decide to bugger off and get lost during trail.
And remember to wear your safety orange because it’s still hunting season! Now it’s muzzleloader week!