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  • 1035 Williams Road Colchester, VT, 05446 United States (map)

“Do you expect us to walk?”
“No, you wankers, I expect you to die!”

~Redtail, probably.

When: Sunday, Feb. 6, 1:00 HST
Where: 1035 Williams Rd, Colchester, VT
Hares: Redtail Swallows and Swamp Dildo Inspector

Join us this Sunday for a classic Colchester death march across (hopefully) frozen Mallet’s Bay with our villainous hares Redtail Swallows and Swamp Dildo Inspector. Our hares promise the trail will be cold, wet and long. Interesting they didn’t say it would be hard, but sometimes a flaccid trail is ok too! And don’t worry—with all the misery comes the reward of hot tubbing, pizza and beer. 

Strap on some traction, cover your extremities and expect a punishing trail worthy of a James Bond villain. Don’t forget your towel (and bathing suit)!

NOTE CHANGE OF DATE: We’ll be hashing on Sunday, February 6th this weekend so make sure to not show up on the wrong day or Redtail might feed you to her chickens.

RSVP on Facebook or Meetup

January 22

VTH3 Trail #006: It Robbie Burns All Over

February 19

VTH3 Trail #008: Leddy Topper, Double IPA