When: Saturday, January 18, 2025, 1:00 PM HST
Where: Little River State Park, Waterbury, VT (44.391595, -72.768319)
Hares: Herp Alert and Stubby Pink Torpedo
What to bring: $6.9 hash cash, footgear with traction, 4WD or AWD to get to the start, ghost stories, anti-spirit spray, sacrificial virgins
Prepare yourself for a trail that is allegedly so scary that it needed three hares! Just kidding, now there’s only two. Gravesites, murders, vengeful spirits, and more await you as Von Tramp explores the remains of Ricker Mills, a ghost town located next to the Waterbury Reservoir. Once home to several sawmills, Ricker Mills was eventually abandoned in the early half of the 1900s after a series of floods wiped away most of the town—hence the building of the Waterbury dam.
While you can still find the remains of several homes and rusted machine in the area, it’s said that if you listen closely on a still afternoon, you can hear the muffled screams of the families who drowned in the floods. And that’s not to mention the series of grisly murders that happened along the nearby Cotton Brook. A word to the wise from a local source: don’t try to go into the basement of the still standing Almeron Goodsell farm house.
4WD or AWD for your car is the only way you’ll see the start of this trail, as the road is plowed but still not great. And traction on your feet might be a good idea, especially with the trail so close to Ricker Mountain. And make sure to keep your wits about you, or else you might end up with a story for Obscure Vermont.