When: Saturday, January 14, 2023, 1:00 PM HST
Where: Mount Philo Parking Lot, 31 Humphreys Rd, Charlotte, VT
Hares: How I Met Your Mother
What to bring: $6.9 hash cash, citrus-flavored soft drinks, bad wordplays, holiday things, I don’t even know.
Just like Mountain Dew and Doritos, the classic combo of Salty and Mother were supposed to give us an epic, never-before-seen S&M trail that we would have talked about all year long. But Salty had to do something called “family time” so now we’re stuck with a solo Mother trail.
All I know so far is we’ll be running near Mount Philo. My uneducated guess is to get ready for hill repeats like a cross county team punishment workout.
And right afterwards, we can all head over to the Hashtivus celebration smelling like a locker room! Or you can go home and shower or whatever, I’m not in charge of your personal hygiene.
More specific detrails to cum.