When: Saturday, November 5, 2022, 1:00 PM HST
Where: Probably Milton, VT
Hares: Broke Ass Mountain and Drunk in the Trunk
Theme: First Anal VTH3 Trailer Park BBQ
$30 gets you the full day—trail, on-after, murder mystery, more beer, and the limited edition gimme.
$16.9 gets you only trail & gimme, no after party.
$23.1 if you’re not cumming to trail but to the murder mystery on-after with booze & food & gimme
Join VTH3 for a TRASHY ONE-YEAR ANALVERSARY on November 5, 2022
You heard that right! Von Tramp, your favorite trampy, nut huty kennel, is cumming up on our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY and we want you to cum party with us!
To cummemorate this momentous occasion, VTH3 is planning a PARTAAAAY (in addition to our usual Saturday trail)! Expect BBQ FOOD, BEER, DEBAUCHERY, BAG WINE, MALORT, CATAN, AND MURDER.
…wait what?
You read that right: this ain’t your normal hash event. This celebration might just kill you because after trail, things are kicking up a notch with a trashy trailer park murder mystery on-after.
….who among us will be the one to snap? Will it be the avid outdoorsman who is known for accidentally shooting people, as well as game? The crazy cat lover who will defend their felines at all costs? The high school dropout with a bullet proof plan for their future?
Grab your pink flamingos, slip into some jorts, tease out your mullet and RSVP today to make sure you’re on the guest list. And because everyone cumming will have a character assigned to them, reservations are required. And only the first 25 people get our exclusive gimmee!
Bring your trashiest dish for a bbq pot luck.
We’ll provide the meats (and meatless meats) , you bring some of your favorite sides and snacks fit for the trailer park trash we are. Maybe you’re fond of deviled eggs? Or whatever a scotcharoo bar is? Bring it!
Did someone say CRASH SPACE & ON AFTER?
YAAAAAAAS! We got you covered (like a rubber) thanks to Broke Ass Mountain and Drunk in the Trunk. Closing Circle and the murder, er, I mean party will be held at their home. That means MOR GAMES, MOR BEER, MORLORT!
How much will this cost?
Your $30 gets you a trail Saturday, crash space, food all night, and a limited edition gimmee (if you’re one of the first 25 people). Plus beer. Lots of beer. And probably Malort. Also murder and mystery. Don't wanna party with us? $16.9 gets you just trail and the sweet gimmee.
And since it’s our one year party, anyone who hashes with us will get a free Tesla.*
Junk in the Trunk
BrokeAss Mountain
69 Sided Dice
Flexible Video Endoscope
Sperm Burpin’ Redneck
Bishop to Butthole
Salty Cumpiss
Dead in the Box
Eager Beaver
Stubby Pink Torpedo
How I Met Your Mother
Make That Noise
Redtail Swallows
Just Chihiro
Penis Colada
Fucked If I Know
Virgin Celia
RSVP to Let Us Know Allergies and Crash Space
The murder mystery is closed. Everyone extra is welcome to watch!
*Yeah, no. Maybe if this was Canada with their “free healthcare” and “en francais”.