VTH3 Trail #014: Nut Hut Trail #1
It is time for the United Hashers of Nut Hut to speak up.
For too long have we hashed under the oppressive rule of the tyrant Flexi, a man who still claims Rhode Island as his home. He is now across the sea trying to keep his reign on the people, much like King George did.
His rule wasn’t selected in a democratized way, but rather he is using our land to get his goals accomplished including trails throughout the winter. He and 69 have usurped all roles of misman, and when Flexi can’t attend gives 69 a script rather than listen to the voices of the people of Nut Hut. And thus we are forced to settle with glazation without representation.
Flexi and 69 have recklessly flaunted their power, confusing not just the people of Nut Hut but also Vermont. Leading people to question their affiliations and even what is Von Tramp, a beer company or hashers camping.
With an iron fist he reigns over trails, “elevating” by actions such as writing hymnals. It is the people’s right to separate church and hash.
And worst of all. Hashers as far away as Florida, California, and Seattle, talk about how “well run” the kennel is and how it’s “impressive” that we had trail throughout the winter. He is trying to oppress us from our Gilbert given right to complain about misman.
And we can no longer stand for this.
We must declare our indepanties with trail and a grilling On In.
When: Saturday, July 2, 1:00 HST
Where: Farrell Park, South Burlington (off of Swift St)
Hares: Salty CumPiss and Rage Rocket Loves My Socket
Promises and Lies: FREEDOM!! No more tyrannical regime (until the next one).